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Say No to Facebook Quizzes

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I see a lot of my friends on Facebook lately taking these “quizzes” for fun and sharing.

What people unfortunately do not realize is that these little games are designed to steal your information.  Recent quizzes have included concerts that you have attended or places you have visited or lived.  This information is commonly used as the answers to your security questions not only on Facebook but, for all of your online activities.  Do you remember when you set up your bank account app online or your iTunes account?  It had you give answers to security questions in case of a forgotten password or PIN number.

That is what these quizzes are for.  They match your name, email address and answers to your security questions so that they will be able to take over your online life.  Please do not answer and share these questions.  It could be very costly.  Just remember, if it is free and it is fun, there is most likely some other malicious motive behind it.

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